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Playing small serves no one.

You have things to do and no more time to waste.

You are not here to hide your genius and play it safe.

You are here for big things, for bold things, for brave things.

It’s time to remember who you are and reclaim your destiny.

You are enough. You are worthy.

You are part of the divine tapestry.

And it’s time to take your place.

Hey you

I’m Amy Biondini and I’m a Energy Architect for soul led pioneers who are ready to come back to the truth of their divine blueprint and unbind any energetics working against them, so they can reclaim their soul destiny and wealth without being held back by energetic glass ceilings.

As a master of the unseen, I have an exceptional, virtually unparalleled gift for energetic and intuitive work, which enables me to swiftly see beyond the veil to the heart and bones of an issue. This allows healing and restoration to begin (and stick!), and empowers my clients to collapse time and move forward faster and more easily in their soul journeys.

I also bring to the table more than a decade of success in the corporate business world, extensive training as a coach (I am triple certified as a life, business, and health coach), and hundreds of hours of deep energy work with clients, using multiple healing modalities.

So, when I say that I can see your true self, in all your divine glory, I mean it.

I help you unlock your deepest potential.

Because you’re here to do big things. And getting those things done?

Doesn’t happen by accident. It takes work.

to alchemise your past into your power, your doubt into your devotion and your fear into the faith that fuels you.

Most won’t do this work. Most will settle for average.

You are not most people.

This is your line in the sand.

No excuses. Only evolution.

You’re either all in or you’re out.

Let’s work with together

The Energy Edit

A deep energy cleanse with soul-level healing. I work with your light body to bring you relief and release from deep-seated energetic patterns that are keeping your present-day self stuck. Unhealed emotional and/or physical trauma remains at a soul level rather than the incarnation so engaging with healing at soul level is a significant act of self-care and self-love in ending painful cycles once and for all. 

Those pesky repeating patterns that you can’t shake even though you’ve done a ton of shadow work, mindset work and affirmations? The behaviours that you’ve worked hard to change that bite you in the ass and come back the minute you drop your guard? Nine times out of ten, it’s karmic, ancestral and past life imprints messing up your now life. The good news is that it can be cleared and you can get on with the business of living your life now.

I go in deep in untangling the root causes of whatever’s interfering with your life and recalibrate your energy body to hold higher levels of light.  

60 minutes on Zoom.


You’ll never be able to explain what happened but you’ll thank yourself that you went for it (after you’ve napped, these sessions move a lot of energy)